Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today the United States of America made history. We elected the first black President.

In the 1860's, President Lincoln said it would take 100 years to undo the crimes of slavery and he was right. In the 1960's Martin Luther King took our country down a new path, a path of change-- promoting, no, demanding equal rights for all races. And now, today, 40+ years later, here we are. Our great country proved we could change and we could savor the taste of hope again. Despite our splits, despite our different views, today we made history. I am so very proud to say I live in the U.S. Especially now. Change is a good thing. Sometimes it is painful or uncomfortable, but it also helps us to grow.

What changes have you made in your life lately? Have you left your comfort zone, even a little? For me, it is this blog. It is painful to me to be anything but immensely private about my life, but I have realized that it is in sharing that you build relationships. I have always been very, very private, so believe me when I say that even blogging about this is pretty uncomfortable. This is one of my "Small Attainable Goals" for 2009-- to get out of my comfort zone and open up a bit. I know I can grow from it. I know it will create deeper relationships with friends and clients.

Another thing I did, which is equally as big of a deal to me, is I cut my hair. OK, guys you may be groaning here, but for women, IT'S A BIG DEAL. I cut 8 inches off my hair. I've always had long hair, but this year felt different. Something was in the air and I kept hearing, "A New Year, A New YOU" in my head. So I did it. It was pretty scary, seeing 38 years of my life floating down, gently drifting toward the floor, but it was also a feeling of, "Ahhhh!". Now, here is the new me... sassy and stylish. The best part is, I feel really good about it. I walk past a mirror, expecting to see my staticky hair down past the middle of my back, but WHOA! who is that fun-looking person? Oh yea, that's me!

Think about something you would like to change. It could be as big as quitting smoking or as small as taking a new route to work. Change is good. It helps you grow and learn new things about yourself, "Hey, who knew I would get up my nerve to stand up in front of 22 students and teach a night course in Economics?" Great things can happen when you change. You will meet new people, experience new things, and take a different path perhaps leading you to something new and exciting.

What change would you like to make? I would love to know-- and to know how you feel now that you DID IT (or at least made up your mind to do it). Talk to me...

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